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Antiseptic solution for Injection and minor surgeries


TGSKIN AC is a colorless antiseptic solution that contains two types of alcohol with a strong, synergistic effect against various types of pathogenic microorganisms. Alcohol destroys the structure of proteins and induces their coagulation; this property makes alcohol a suitable and efficient choice for addressing a wide range of bacteria and viruses. In addition, this solution contains chlorhexidine which strengthens the antimicrobial effects and increases the shelf life due to its binding to the surface layers of the skin. This avoids causing skin irritations such as burning, itching, and toxic side effects. The combination of butanediol used in this product due to its long alkyl chain increases the germicidal effect and consequently improves the safety of injection.


  • New formulation with optimal Ethanol & Chlorhexidine concentration
  • Rapid effectiveness for injection and vaccination
  • Long term effectiveness for minor surgeries
  • Non-toxic to tissues and low skin sensitization
  • Effective even in the presence of blood
  • No rinsing required
  • Environmentally friendly
  • Rapid effect on a broad variety of antibiotic-resistant bacteria within 30 seconds
  • No sticky residue or remaining effects after application
  • Compliant with international WHO standards
  • Suitable for all skin types
Effective SpectrumTypesEffected Times
Bactericidal activity
(EN 13727)
Staphylococcus aureus 
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Escherichia coli
Entercoccus hirae
30 sec
Fungicidal activity
(EN 13624)
Candida albicans30 sec
Virucidal activity
(EN 14476)
Non-enveloped viruses
enveloped viruses
60 sec
Item codeVolume.In per box
4002030003200  cc48